Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our God is Greater!

So I probably owe you all an update, considering its been way too long since I have written. I hope that you have been keeping up with my friends blogs, as they have been great about writing. To begin to describe everything that happens down here is nearly impossible and not always important. So I will attempt to sum up a few thoughts and events.

Since the high school team left a few weeks ago we have had another medical team come through who did a few clinics in the city and then traveled to the mountains for a few days to do some more work out there. It was an amazing experience to be able to help those in need, especially in the country side. In talking with me, many of the members said that they were glad they were able to help out those in need who lived in the city. They often came across people who knew what was wrong with them and just needed more medication, which our med team was able to provide for them. However, as they traveled further out they came across people who had no idea what was wrong with them and were in desperate need of their medical wisdom. I think this goes along with our earthly desire to feel needed. We often feel that we are not useful if someone does not desperately need us. However, this is not true. God can use us in many ways big or small to bring glory to His name. A good daily reminder.

Or focus then turned to the city of Luly. A city with so much potential, a city filled with wonderful people, and a city that we desire to see shining on the hill as a model to the rest of Haiti. With many new projects being started in this city it has been our goal to get the essential information needed. After creating a potential survey of what we may want to ask these people, we began to discover just how many people lived in the city of Luly. 864 houses later...we realized surveying each household will take more time than we were originally thinking. We are still in the process of deciding what would be the wisest decision in this surveying process, so your prayers  would be much appreciated.

As we were driving back from a food and shoes drop in the city of Miroguan, a city where Ginette one of our Haitian staff grew up, we witnessed the most amazing sunset I have ever really experienced. This side of the country had lush green hills, covered in coconut, mango, bread fruit and other various types of trees, with mountains surrounding it. At one point as we neared the top of a big hill I looked out and saw the green filled mountains meeting the waters edge just as the sun was setting. The sun turned the waters edge to a dark orange color and reflected a pink color upwards onto the mountains and the clouds above. And I thought to myself, if I could capture this image, no one would believe me that this is Haiti. The beauty that was created made me want to worship the one true Creator, to cry out and say thank you for this beauty and revealing your beauty to a humble servant like me. God is good and his creation is beautiful. Although Haiti may have been "destroyed" by the earthquake, God is greater. God was greater than the earthquake then and He is greater than the destruction that it left behind. Seek the Lord for He is greater; something I am beginning to understand.

Well, I officially leave Haiti in one week! How crazy; the time has flown by. It is bittersweet to think about leaving this country and these people but I am more than excited to be back with family and friends. I know that the Lord has plans for my life and I am excited in discovering them as I continue to seek the Lord. I would ask for your continued prayers as I finish out my time here, that the Lord would show me all that He has to teach me here and that He would prepare me in departing from this life back into my life at home. I am thankful for you all and how impact my life each and everyday.

1Thessalonians. 3:9 "How can [I] thank God enough for you in return for all the joy [I] have in the presence of our God because of you?

All my love to you from Haiti...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. I am so excited and blessed to hear of all you are learning and experiencing...things that will be a part of the rest of your journey here on earth and will carry into the forever after life with Christ. Love you much Steph :)
    Aunt Kimberly
