Monday, July 11, 2011

Still Human

Dearest Friends,

For the past week we have had the opportunity to have a group of high school students here. They have worked on many projects from painting to building benches. They also spent quite a bit of time at the children's home Tree of Life. During their time there they were able to play with the children, paint their toe nails, play futbol and build them a swing set. It was incredible to watch this team of high school students (guided by chaperons) build this swing set. After it was finished the joy that the swing set brought to the children was amazing. They immediately began to play on it, swinging, climbing and of course begging for it to be their turn.

As this team was nearing the end of their final day at Tree of Life, we were able to pray over the children and their new play set. Then the children at the home began to ask when the students would be returning to see them. Realizing at this point how attached the students had become to these children they began to cry knowing they were not sure of when/if they would be returning. At the sight of this not only were the students in tears but the children began to cry as well.

Having this experience brought me back to earth. I often feel like I can become immune to the brokeness surrounding me, however, as I sat there holding a sobbing little girl who didn't know if she was ever going to see her high school friends again, my heart broke. A familiar song to many of us is Hosanna. In the bridge of this song it says, "Break my heart for what breaks Yours." I often pray for this to be true of me, that the Lord will show me what breaks his heart and break mine. In this moment, I realized I am in Haiti. A place where children don't get enough to eat, water is a privledge, and good education is rare. I am in a country where there are more missionaries per capita than any other country and the love of Christ still needs to reach these children.

My heart was broken. I know I can only give so much to these children but I will attempt to give as Christ set the example. And I boldly ask you to do the same. We cannot continue to ignore the issues of our broken world, now is the time for action. The Lord has given each of us a specific purpose to glorify His name and make it known to the nations. If He has called you to the world, search deep and pursue hard until the Lord says yes or no, but move into action. If you feel as if the Lord has called you to give financially, a great organization to give to is :) And mostly importantly pray. Pray for guidance in your purpose, pray for people, PRAY BIG. God is good and He always will be.

All my love to you...

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