Thursday, June 30, 2011

In the Spirit

Galations 3: 1-3 "You foolish Galations! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly protrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: did you recieve the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?"

How ture is this passage in my life. I often feel that I have so many things that I need to "fix" while in Haiti. I need to train the teachers, love the children, discover the community and the people, I need to learn the language, I need to give medical attention to people, I need to get clean water, food and shelter to those in tents, I need to share the gospel and make Christ known...etc. But the reality is I am powerless.

When I forget to look to Christ Haiti seems huge, endless and unsolvable. Yet, how foolish am I? After beginning with the Spirit am I now trying to attain any goals by human effort? The Lord is not asking me to solve Haiti's problems by myself; problems will always remain. The Lord is calling me to remain in the Spirit, abided in Christ. He has the power and vision to restore Haiti in his own time. Christ came so that the law would be nullified. He was "clearly....crucified" so that we are freed from the law and are no longer bound to deeds. There is nothing that I can do by my own human effort, I must continue to rely on the Spirit. As I continue my time here in Haiti, I ask that you would join me in praying so that we would never loose focus of this idea. Christ is at the heart of this country and only through Him can we attain a goal.

"Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?"
Galations 3:3

More fun facts of the day. We got stuck in a traffic jam, due to a demonstration of students. I am still not sure what was really happening there. The children we give medika mamba to were all under weight this week, so pray that next week they gain more weight. I tried eating a coconut (kokoye) and avocado (zaboka). I really enjoyed the zaboka but not so much the kokoye. This sunday we are going to cook dinner with Dennis, one of our cooks. We are making Creole. Yum.

I love you all very much and am blessed to have your support.

All my love to you from Haiti (a beautiful land)!

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