Friday, June 10, 2011

Je suis arrive en Haiti!

I arrived in Haiti last night! It was quite an experience traveling throught the airport. Many people were trying to carry my bags, but we found our driver Alexi and he helped us through. He took us to a white SUV and we piled in and took off driving, or more like weaving through the streets of Port Au Prince. There were vendors lined up on the sides of the streets and vehicles weaving in and out. The "roads" had pot holes everywhere. We arrived in our Village of Theodat and I got a tour of our grand house. The house is wonderful and filled with fun people. For dinner I got to experience real Haitian food: salad, rice and beans, chicken and goat, and other sauces and toppings that I am unsure of. The food was delicious and I enjoyed eating with the interns and staff.

Today I will get to experience a trip through town and to visit my first childrens home. The children are in so much need here, they are malnourished, without shoes, they all lack clean water, their building structures often consist of piles of rubble on three corners a stick for the fourth and a ripped tarp over top.

Continue praying for our team of interns and the team that came in today. The interns will be moving into a new house soon and setting up the main office there. We are just waiting for internet to get connected and the place to be "bug bombed."

My computer is currently broken right now, so I am borrowing internet from a friend. If you want to read a more up to date blog you can follow my friend Breanna's: . She does a great job of keeping it current and filled with pictures.

All my love to you...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephanie! So glad you have a blog for this time you are away! Praying for your safety and the work you are doing there and all that entails. God bless you and the team there with you. Lots of love and prayers for you!
    (Aunt) Kimberly :)
