Monday, June 27, 2011

What's for Dinner?

Hello friends!

I am sure you are all wondering what we have for dinner...well let me tell you.

We eat lots of different types of food, american, creole, french, mexican and others. Some of my favorite dishes are Creole dishes. They consist of rice and beans (the best part), some meat (goat, chicken, beef), vegetables, bread (always), and then this amazing sauce (pretty much the gravy of Haiti...its so good. Another favorite dish of everyone in the house is pumpkin soup. It has a lot of vegetables, potatoes, beef, and some sort of pumpkin sauce. It is delicious.

I often find it interesting how we talk about food as if it is just another days routine. However, it is a completely different mind set for some of the Haitian people. They do not know where their food is coming from next. Last week I worked in a hospital clinic. It was an amazing experience. The team of doctors we had were able to see almost 300 people a day and they worked for four days to help people. One of the nurses came into the pharmacy where I was working and asked me if we had any baby formula. A woman with a baby came in and in order for her to get the medicine into her child she needed food. She was not then going to give her child any medicine. We were able to give her a few crackers that we found so that her child could get the medicine she needed.

At the end of last week and the beginning of this week we were able to do a teacher training. We visited two different schools and about 8 teachers came. We taught the teachers how to use a pocket chart calendars, other fun math materials, a lesson in geography, and more. While we were with the teachers in the morning the students were out in the fields playing futbol (soccer)! They loved playing and the Americans that ran it, enjoyed played with the children. Then the teachers were able to practice what they learned in the morning, later in the afternoon when the students came back in. How incredible it was to watch as the Haitian teachers teach their students alongside me. The Haitian teachers have a passion to teach these children because they want a better future for Haiti.

Haiti, a nation not of wealth but a nation of hope.

All my love to you from Haiti!

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