Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Journey begins!

Welcome to my blog! As I travel to Haiti I feel like this is the most appropriate way to communicate with everyone, so here we go!

I will leave June 9th from Minneapolis and fly to Miami where I will meet up with another group and we will travel to Port-au-Prince together and then through customs. Once I arrive in Port-au-Prince I know I will be working with children in cities about thirty miles north of Port-au-Prince. I am not sure exactly how this will look, but I think I will get to do activities with the children and show them love, which sounds great to me!

I am excited to get there and start serving the Lord. Some days I have nervous spots and most days I just want to leave and be there, but I know everything will come together in due time. Here are some prayer requests as I begin this journey:
  • Safe travel- Pray that the group I am with and myself make it through customs without any delays. Pray that our flights are on time and fly smoothly. 
  • Good health- I know I will have clean, running water and good food. Pray that the Lord will protect me from disease so that I can continue to serve Him. 
  • Relationships- Pray that I can establish good relationships with the other interns and teams. Pray that I can continue to stay connected with friends and family back home while I am away. 
  • The Haitian people- Pray that they will continue to find hope through these rough times. Pray that they will be open to us as we come to serve them and that we can build relationships with them. 
  • My heart's attitude- Pray that I would be humbled by my experiences, Pray that the Lord would break me free of myself so that I can be used by Him even more.
Let's start praising the Lord now!
  • Financial- All my support came in and some, so I was able to help another intern out. Praise the Lord!
  • Goodwill has treated me well and I officially have enough clothes for Haiti!
  • I will be flying into Haiti with a group, so I do not have to go through customs alone!
  • And simply because the Lord is worthy of praise!
Thanks everyone for your continued prayer and support! 15 days and counting!